Monday, November 29, 2004

Today is a good day

My friends are supervisor and his wife love me....I only have one more thought paper to write....I get to go home early for Christmas....and save money by doing so....I love my roommate....I got two cds today...SO THERE!

Sunday, November 28, 2004

A Story

A story I love. Ray Bradbury's "The Veldt"
When are my friends coming home....I'm so bored.

Rule for a Camel #1

No more than 5 jelly beans should be ingested in one sitting. Bad for a camel's health.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

insulated drapes

so apparently covering my windows with plastic (as per the advice of three or four of my friends) is a BAD idea for keeping me warm. I need insulated drapes. Wonder how much that's gonna set me back.

And why does everyone feel like it hot in my apartment when I am ALWAYS freezing. Geez.

Oh, and happy birthday to someone important. You're still important.

22:22 last statistics thought paper typed and gone. It's funny how you start off with all those good intentions of thinking critically and taking the time to read the chapter and understand it. I even made a point of saying mean things about people who didn't write thought papers that displayed critical thinking...and yet here I am, the end of term, sending off a thought paper with no critical thought, no passion....I hate that. I didn't think this would happen in grad school. I didn't think I would be so busy that I would slack off...I didn't think I would be lazy. I didn't think I would be so lazy that even knowing I would get a poor grade wasn't enough to whip me into a critical thinking frenzy. Not that this is an issue in statistics. No, sup doesn't care. But Self? Woe The Self. Interesting class. Sure wanted to work hard...until I started getting the same grade and the same, completely useless comments every week. "Comma Usage, Page 78, APA" I swear I will snap if this week's paper has that comment. I mean really. I've read the damn section three times now. Maybe give me some feedback that's useful: Like what it is i'm doing wrong! The fact that I go through each comma in the paper to check whether I have used it appropriately and still manage to have thousands of circled comma's post-grading should mean something.

Anyway, I wish Pop were home. Or Smileys. Only gone for a couple of days and I am lonely for male attention. Kinda pathetic. Thank God I am drowning in work that I am uninterested in doing.

Friday, November 26, 2004


somebody emailed me back today. Happy.

Well, I didn't get anything done today, but I did participate in a surprisingly enjoyable house party.

Unforturnately, I think I may have been subtly manipulated into going out for drinks with someone I have absolutely zero interest in. I don't even find conversation with knit-head interesting. He sorta tricked me into taking his msn, though I have absolutely no intention of adding him...the question is whether he will persist in trying to get me to agree to a drink with him. I guess it is possible that he was just being sociable...maybe...

Thursday, November 25, 2004


I need a winter coat. Damn wet cold. Moon looks pretty today...though I couldn't really see it under my awkward and furry hood. to see a boy about a movie...sigh. I really should be'd think that by my ripe old age I could defer reinforcement better...hah. I should be sleeping..., it was someone important's birthday today/yesterday. I sure wish he would email me back. But oh well. Anyway, happy birthday to you important someone. Sorry if I hurt you.

....oh yah. the movie was really good.

Ridiculous Fact #1

We live in a fourth floor apartment that leaks.

Me! Posted by Hello By the favorite word is ABSURD...

Omigod I finally got a blog

So I did it. Yay for me. All you people in blog land can now hear me rant. I promise it will rarely be interesting.

The first order of business is this: sometimes I wish I had a soundtrack playing in the background of my life. Sometimes I can almost hear it. Most of the time I am sure I wouldn't want to hear. So I am gonna do the next best thing. Put it on this blog. This week my song is......

"I should be sleeping" by Emerson Drive

The lyric: "I should be sleeping instead of keeping these late hours I've been keeping."