It seems terribly obvious that the other is not interested or has come to the assumption that I am not interested in him. Either way, I felt very silly today. I mean I probably shouldn't have but I did....we were leaving climbing and as always needed a ride home....God I hate asking for rides....but it just isn't safe for me to walk in the dark in the area. Anyways, there were three of my buddies and I just sorta through it up there and one seemed like he wasn't to keen on it and sorta volunteered Bright Scarf....who said he could give me a ride if I didn't mind if he stopped for gas. The volunteerer eventually found out where I lived and said he wouldn't mind driving me home...which was good. But importantly, the Other One didn't speak a word...and worst of all is that when the volunteerer sounded uninterested I did sorta ask the Other One if he minded...though he may not have heard...anyway, point is that I felt like an idiot. I hate asking for help. And I hate that the Other One doesn't seem to have any special interest in me. Grr. Feel cranky.
This is the Blog Assassin and I frankly enjoy giving serious reality checks. My Holy Thor’s Hammer woman! What a disaster! You are the epitome of someone needing “cruel to be kind treatment.” It’s just one male disaster after another. And you seemingly never admit your own part to these disasters. It’s always guys who you say “don’t make sense” when things go wrong, and rarely your perceptions and faults. You probably have the desperate look in your eye, which any decent guy sees from 5000miles away, and runs. With all this “spin out of control” drama it’s no wonder that that ass Timbukto didn’t risk leaving his whore, when all he saw I bet was you in full drama role. God your name is perfect. Drama Junkie. No Fucking Kidding! If a guy’s not interested get the fuck moving woman. Are you really interested in a guy that you’ve given the nickname “Scarf?” Really. Come on. You know the amazing thing isn’t that you stuck around with Buk while he screwed around, but that he stayed around with you!
You constantly seem to pick guys whom you have little chance of anything longterm with. Why the hell is that? Have you thought of that? I mean, who was it? Fireman? Ya, like that was going work! And who the hell was it? Jesse James? Didn’t you say that he had no fucking libido? And hey, that buk? What the shit? You probably had a better chance if you just told him, “not 4 months from now, but see me when you’re single” forcing him to get his shit together immediately. And all the constant stress over “hasn’t called me yet” and “waited up for him” that seems to pop up all over the place. Christ!
Listen, I read your blog, and I see your tortured soul and I feel for you. But you are looking for a partner to be the answer to your life, when really a mate should just add to your life. You will be profoundly disappointed if you think that a partner will save your life because it just doesn’t happen. And the depression you’ll get when you find 3, 7, 10 years into a relationship that the man wasn’t your salvation will tear you and your relationship apart. Here’s a reality check, cash it camel.
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