Friday, July 21, 2006

way leads on to way

so much is going on. And so little. I am very tired after a very fun but very losing soccer match in which I saved a penalty shot! Of course I took the penalty, but meh, semantics.

Paper still isn't done and I've lost hope for the most part that it will be published before my grant application, but what can you do.

I bought running shoes today as part of my get-cardio plan....Timbuctoo insists this will make me feel better....he's probably right...all I ever want to do is lazy.

I feel fat...and apparently my BMI is now over 25....though I know its cuz I have some ridiculous muscle mass, I'm still gonna take it as a cue to drop a few pounds...I've always hovered around 24 but never over before....time to do something...I'd feel better anyway.

Oh ya, duh! And the war in Lebanon. Dear God! Please make it stop. Please watch over all those I love.


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