Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Red Letter Email

I'm not even quite sure how to express the weight just lifted from my shoulders....or how this email totally made my day...I can't even understand exactly why it was so important but it is.

Jesse emailed me. It was just a short email saying I had forgot his birthday which hadn't happened in many years (of course I didn't forget, I thought about it that whole day)....it said he'd had "monumental changes" this year....

But whatever it said...whatever has changed in his life....he's still speaking to me and when I clicked on my msn to get the new email...hoping it had been from Timbuctoo, it was like expecting chocolate cream pie and getting strawberry shortcake instead....just as exciting and topsy turvy, but totally unexpected and welcome.

Despite the many many confusions and exhaustions of this week, the camel is very very happy.


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