Friday, May 05, 2006

back in black

Well, I'm finished grading, thankfully. I can get back to writing my thesis and pushing for publications. I'm feeling a little excited about writing actually. Maybe because I can sit and think about something I'm interested in and that will be fun.

The world is confusing and frustrating and lately I want no part of it.

I was thinking about being an expert today. The thing about expertise is that it's not related to talent its related to practice and motivation. Ten years it takes...hard effort. And I was thinking about the cliche, "Jack of all trades, Master of none" and thinking that is how I feel. I hae lots of interests. Lots of people think I'm talented but I never feel it. Part of the problem is that my expectations are so extraordinarily high....part is that I'm sure I'm trying to fill the whole of not having a functional family unit. But regardless of the reason, it made me think about how much it sucks for poor people.

For example, to become an Olympic athlete requires being an expert in your area. And being an expert in a sport certainly requires equipment and club fees. And that just sucks. Because that means that if you're not upper middle class you don't have a shot. Now on the one hand, whatever, because there's no such thing as talent (apparently) but on the other, I feel like its unfair that poor people don't get to be Olympians, by and large. But then, the whole of being poor isn't fair so I guess this ought to be the least of one's worries.

Still hating the world, still feeling sorry for myself. Glad to have time and energy to blog again.


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