Thursday, February 09, 2006

Am I?

So the other day I asked roomie what had happened with this guy she had been seeing just before we moved out. She had been so excited about him but he was going to go work on the Green Party campaign so she didn't know what was gonna happen.

I asked her the other day and she said they had spoken on and off while he was gone, he'd come in to town for a day and they'd had a great time. And then he disappeared and she hadn't heard from him in like two months. So I asked her what was gonna happen when/if he came back. She said, "absolutely nothing. That's just ridiculous. Enough is a enough."

And it really made me wonder. She's right you know. A girl shouldn't put up with being neglected. But I can't help but wonder, what will REALLY happen if he comes back and gives her an excuse? And more importantly, is it just ME who is willingly to believe that people can feel one way and not do anything about it?

I mean I know that I should dump Timbuctoo right out of my life, on principle. But that said, I feel like there is something too good between us to just walk away from. And truly, I can't quite do it, physically. I just gravitate too him. And while I would like to say, "either ditch the girl or we're through", that doesn't seem fair since we've been trying to be happening in the first place.

But does the fact that I accept his excuses or his reasons mean that my self-esteem is just not high enough to walk away or that I have real reason for giving this a chance to play out?


Blogger Camel said...

You make a good point. I've known Timbcutoo for nearly a year now...and it's been six months since this little SNAFU started...thanks for the support, Tom.

6:59 p.m.  

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