Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Camel has a minute

I'm hanging around to wait for a participant to show up so I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about what ails me. One of the many.....today's crispy surprise:

my obsession with editing.

Ok, so I know my supervisor is sick of me asking his opininon on my grant proposal, but I'm really nervous about it. I mean he's really patient but I know in his head he's thinking...."it's good enough already!" The problem is that I don't think that I have really straight in MY head what I am aiming for in my PhD., let alone to try and make it obvious to someone else.

When it comes down to it, I just don't know the literature super well...I haven't done the background research to find out what has and has not been done along the lines I'm interested in....I mean I KNOW that in general it hasn't been looked at in my field, but I haven't scoured the research to find examples of where it has been done. Nor have I scoured the cognitive literature to really figure out what experiments have been done that I can draw on. So the problem is that I don't think I have a good handle on what I want to do, therefore I don't think that I deserve a big huge grant. But I want a big huge grant....


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