Wednesday, November 09, 2005

sitting, waiting, wishing

That's me...until today. Sad but true. It's funny how easy it is to become obsessive. My friends tell me I'm obsessive about editing my work. They don't know the half of it.

Top story today is that my grant proposal may actually have a chance of sounding okay by the deadline. It's still in the "disjointed but on the right track" bin and hopefully tommorrow will be moved into "saying all the right things awkwardly" bin...and then any free second over the weekend will be consumed with moving it into the "win $35000 per year for three years" bin...

In other news, after an entire week of checking my hotmail obsessively to see if Timbuctoo had emailed me, he did. Unfortunately, he feels exactly the same as I do and there's a 90% chance of trying to meet up on Friday. On the positive side of this whole adulterous mess is that it is nice to be blatantly honest with someone and not have them quake with terror.

On the lighter side, I attended a talk this afternoon on how difficult it is to separate cross-modal information. It was fascinating and culminated in a discussion of bacon and egg flavored icecream developed at The Fat Duck which is the 2005 "Best restaurant in the world"...nice. The icecream came up because apparently the owner of the restaurant likes to experiment with modality research on flavor and visual appearance.


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