Tuesday, September 06, 2005

not so bad

So today our department held a wine and cheese to welcome new grad students...I have to admit I was sorta dreading it...all that schmoozing...especially when I'm cranky about both boys and school at the same time...sometimes you just don't feel like being gracious..but roomie was all excited. I think she really likes dressing up...she's so great.

So we went...and true to form it was a little tedious until I was about three wines in...at which point me and the Perfect Hostess hit the patio to chat. Being one of the many people paying attention to the Cody saga, I was a little concerned abotu telling her. I'm always awkward about telling anyone. Btw, telling roomie went really good. She was really supportive. I love her so much. She even said she thought he was being a twit for not telling me he just wanted to be friends. Much appreciated.

Anyway, the Perfect Hostess also responded well...basically just feelign bad for me. It's funny...I feel so much better now that telling my friends wasn't awkward..though I still couldn't bring myself to tell Junior...he's probably got an inkling though, based on my last conversation with him in which I complained about Cody's behavior.

Anyway, it's nice to know my friends aren't all probing and slurpy...ya know. They just expressed that they were sorry things hadn't gone my way. I really appreciate that.

Tommorrow is Margaritaville...hope it goes ok. I hope he doesn't come...unless he's planning on telling me what a fool he's been and would I please give him another chance.


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