Monday, September 26, 2005

In case anyone is wondering or cares...

I should be working.

The lyrics were for Cody. Here are the reasons it would never have worked (beware they range from intentionally shallow to intensely personal):
  1. He wiggles when he walks
  2. He isn't tall
  3. His parents are loaded
  4. He didn't know how great I was
  5. He is as laid back as humanly possible...almost no pulse
  6. He thinks his brown shoes are red
  7. I'm barely even buzzed by the time he is too drunk to walk straight
Hmm....not nearly as many good reasons as I had hoped...stay tuned, maybe more will come to light.

SuperD and I went out on Saturday. It was lovely. His parents are also loaded and he is also well dressed and far too well adjusted. And he's Jewish. But he is very confident and touched me a lot. Which was really great. He put his arm around me maybe five minutes after we started walking down the street. Interesting.

I don't know...he kissed me goodnight. Always a good thing. But it was not as good as kissing Cody. That is what I remember most. Perhaps he was nervous? I don't know. He seemed to want to kiss me earlier, when we were at his house.

Actually, I have to say that he was pretty smooth, in general. I mean we went out, had a few drinks, he ate off my plate (I hadn't had dinner), then he went to the bathroom and said he'd show me his pictures when he got he sat down beside me to show me the pictures...and then of course, since he had only a t-shirt on after being on the patio all night (I had a polar fleece, a long sleeve shirt, tank top and a scarf on), it seemed perfetly natural that he huddle up to me on the walk home to keep warm...and that we should stop at his place so he could grab a sweater.

Once we got to his house he didn't hit on me, exactly, besides to stand up close to me and to pull the chair I was sitting on up to him...did I mention I love guys who are aggressive?

Anyway, as always I was nervous about overstaying my welcome so around 1:30 when he asked if I was tired and wanted to go home, I said yes.

Oh what more to say. Nothing. He asked after he kissed me goodnight if we would talk soon...or something like that and I said most ridiculously, "of course, you have my phone number and msn"..I mean how ridiculous...he was asking if given everything that he had revealed about himself if I was still interested. Of course, I'm good at blowing these kinds of things...but Smiley says that wasn't a bad thing to good.

I just don't know. I'm clearly still thinking about Cody though I had a good time with Dave...who is clearly interested... Which is silly. And I think I can say from my experiences thinking about Cody and Timbuctoo that I just feel this way because of which one is available. Sigh. Sigh.

Oh ya, my last Cody story. I got home on Wednesday, I think and one of my ex's was on msn and wanted to chat. Which was cool, we're pals. But then I thought, hey, I'm drunk...why not msn Cody...did I mention that I unblocked him a few days prior...thinking I just didn't need to have him blocked anymore...anyway, so I msn him and say "so can we be friends now"...silly...ridiculous...he didn't answer exactly...he flirted with me. God, I hate him.

Alright. So as soon as I finish this paper, I'll be fine. Stupid paper. Back to work.


Blogger Camel said...

Haha, dates grow on trees. nerd.

This is another date with SuperD....we'll see how it goes...despite me making a fool of myself every time I see him, he's still talking to me...

So, you think if Cody wasn't attracted to me he wouldn't have flirted with me? Someday he will feel bad about being stupid. Good. I'm mean that way. ;)

12:02 p.m.  

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