Saturday, May 28, 2005

There goes something

It's amazing how the drama junkie in me is insatiable. Sometimes my mind should not be left alone with itself. Specifically, today I met with roomie's first fling here to learn about how to work my camera (which he sold me cuz he works in a camera store). Let's call him codie. Roomie has mentioned a few times that she really felt like me and codie were better suited. To this I adamantly responded with a nonchalant, "oh ya? whatever"...completely ready to deny any attraction to said male. Sadly, a total lie.

But I've been through dating your friend's ex. Bad, bad, bad. And I'm totally unwilling to do it again. I'm actually at a stage in my life where I mean it when I say the friendship is more important.

Incidentally that totally sucks because she is more right than I ever thought. Not only is he well spoken, but he's highly masculine without being a jerk. And he is a semi-computer geek. Seriously, I had a really really great time. Which is so sad.

I have to be careful, I remember last time I was drinking with him and friends (and not roomie)...I had to really work hard not to hit on him...we click pretty well I think (either that or he's just uber uber nice and friendly)...

But I think he knows we have good chemistry...sadly (or well, maybe it's a good thing) I think he MAY have wanted to let our evening continue a bit....that's a big MAY....but I totally didn't catch the invite's totally a better thing cuz I definitely don't want to fall for this guy. . . but maybe, maybe I can THINK about it. :) ....what do you think?


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