Thursday, May 19, 2005

my bed is gonna dump me because it isn't getting any attention

Ok, in all honesty I feel like I've been hit by a truck. My tetanus booster was even less fun than the other two...I think it's interacting with the fact that my body is stiffening up because of that soccer should see me walking around. You'd swear I was 50.

I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed by life right now. I keep hearing these great songs I want to put on my blog, but I'm so busy I don't have time to stop and write down there names and they're long gone from my memory by the time I get to my computer.

All this subject-running is killing me. It's so frustrating when the eyetracker won't work so I have to calibrate for like 15 minutes. And then pay people more. Ag. I mean it's really really reinforcing when it works on the first try, but when it doesn'

Went to a singles night last night, which is why I'm so beat. Toronto. Holt-Renfrew. Totally fun. A saleswoman insisted I needed $450 Chanel sunglasses. I was inclined to agree but luckily I remembered that I'm a grad student and don't own ANYTHING worth that much. Good food. Good drinks. They had people giving massages, doin hair (you shoulda seen how big my hair was), doin makeup. Lavalife was there doing a promo where you stuck a number on your back and people could text message it. Kinda neat but no one really did it.

Anyway, I'm late as usual. More ranting and raving to come.


Blogger Camel said...

Haha...we're too young to be getting old. Darn it!

10:44 p.m.  

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