Sunday, May 22, 2005


Oh wow, I just had the greatest nap ever. I totally should be working but it was awesome. I'm going to play football at 1:00 so work is totally out of the question. Ah I feel good. And my friend Frizzy called and woke me up, which is cool cuz it feels good to have friends.

I think I felt a little left out that roomie had Frizzy and Stylish on her msn and I didn't And while I was talking to Frizzy and loading my computer I discovered she had added me to her list. This is nice. I like not always being the asker.

So my old roomie's band (Suburban Pop Project) playin in town last night. They have underwear as part of thier merchandise. Bizzarre but fun. They're a totally cool bunch of people and play totally cool music so I was sad that there was a really small crowd and that the sound guy totally didn't show up to set them up until their third last song. They sounded way better after that. Jerk. Oh well. I bought a CD which made them happy and I'm really excited to listen to it.

In other news, my house is almost sterilized but the day after I bleached my cupboard an ant walked majestically across them so I guess the only answer is ant traps...but at least their presence is starting to lose its shock value.


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