Sunday, May 15, 2005

die ants die head is killing me. I know, you think it's cuz my house is swimming in Raid. But it's not true. I left when I sprayed and didn't return for many, many head!

Oh well, I'm going to bed and it will go away....and I would like to proudly report that despite my throbbing brain, I was able to schedule 23 people to participate in my study next week. Each and everyone who replied to my posting. Yay for me. AND I managed to schedule them so I have Wednesday and Friday free right now, with the other days fully booked. Boo-ya!....(this is good because I can send an email out again if need be saying I have slots for those days OR spend those days filming pilot stuff...just makes my life simpler....).

Had a lovely time with Pop. I missed hanging out with's been a long time....he's busy with conference and mini-master prep and I'm always busy...but anyway, had a good time.

My apartment didn't even smell too bad when I got home, so I'm giving today a rating of 4 on the aggravation scale. G'night world.


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