Sunday, May 15, 2005

Eyetracking II

More interesting about eyetracking is what I'm doing with it. My area is eyewitness memory. In this study we are showing people video clips of crimes and then having them pick the thief out of a lineup.

We are hoping to learn about the strategies people use when doing a lineup so that we can make more fair lineups. Specifically, in this experiment, participants sometimes see a really easy lineup (the perp with a bunch of people that are different ages, ethnicities, hair colors) and sometimes they see a more fair lineup (the perp with a bunch of people with the same hair color, face shape, ethnicity, look like him).

The idea is to find out if they immediately pick out the perp or if they compare the perp with all other faces, or if they spend equal time evaluating each, or compare all faces, or whatever....only the eyetracker will tell.



Blogger Camel said...

Oh yes I will babble and babble and babble soon enough.

4:58 p.m.  

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