Saturday, May 14, 2005

Raid is my friend

So I should be blogging about yesterday right now but instead I'm waiting for Pop to come over so we can leave my apartment while all the ants least I hope all of them die.

It started about a month ago. I saw an ant. And then another one.

And then yesterday I saw a very big, very upsetting ant.

Today I bought some Raid. I was talking to Pop on the phone thinking not of ants nor Raid when I saw three of them. And then another one and nearly lost my mind. I attacked quickly and thoroughly spraying Raid without mercy. Apparently when ants are directly sprayed with Raid they die a rather horrible death that involves the writhing of thier appendages...and in death they are a little shrivelled. The conversation with Pop was disrupted.

Now he's here. More later.


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