Thursday, February 03, 2005

Holding my head up

I'm noticing that this unsocialable feeling I've been having is a direct result of roomie being very social. In class, when I hear talking animatedly to our classmates I wonder why I'm not doing the same. Or when she excitedly says hello to one of our classmates on the street.

Now I think I understand why I am feeling so negative about this. I would certainly say hello to people, but when roomie is around, I tend to let her be the energetic one. When I am alone, I certainly am animated with people...and as for in class, well, the truth is that I am usually busy being distracted by how much I would rather be doing other things.

So my goal is to not let it get to me so much that I don't feel socialable. I mean it's not as if people are walking around saying they don't like that camel. Really camel, relax.

In other news, Smiley finally got Season 2 of 24 to watch so we watched the first 4 hours yesterday...only 18 hours until Season 3!


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