Saturday, January 29, 2005

Deep Thoughts by Jack Camel (7)

Today's question is about politics. Where did they go wrong? Politicians, to the best of my meagre knowledge, started out as representatives of the poeple. Government was to be the "watchdog" for society. This is sort of alarming given the way big business has the government wrapped around it's little finger. I have no intentions of spouting direct evidence for anything I say in this post, but in my Political Sociology class many many years ago, I remember feeling completely helpless.

Politicians nowadays seem rarely driven by a cause for the people. In fact, those most passionate about the people tend to me one's who are not taken seriously. Like the NDP in Canada. Admittedly, the NDP don't show much fiscal responsibility, but I still feel ill when I think of the Canada's political machine.

I mean, I know you can't please all of the people all of the time, but that's not my point. My point is not even that one party or the other doesn't do ....whatever. My point is that in general, I don't think Canadians feel any shift when complete political upheaval occurs. I don't think that different parties particularly DO anything different. And I certainly feel as though they are unconcerned about the people they represent. I know, I know that it is easy to make sweepy negative generalizations. But in the past few years I have been completely apathetic to politics. Mostly because I don't feel I understand the issues, let alone have an opinion on them, let alone have time to consider platforms. But still, the passing of Jean Chretien caused barely a ripple in my day. Doesn't that mean something?


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