Thursday, January 06, 2005

Not bad for a skinny guy

The date with the fireman went very well. I had a great time. It's funny how when we have a previously conceived notion of someone, how much it drives our interactions with them. The fireman is in fact a much more suitable mate (based on my one date) than I previously thought. Too bad he lives where he does. Oh well.

It's almost time for me to go home. I am gonna be sooo homesick this time round.


Blogger Sou said...

Wowzers! (i always wanted to say that! :p) So the date with Mr. Firefighter went well?! Tres jolli! (i hope i spelt that right!) So things can't work with u 2 because he lives "where he lives"?! Distance is a bummer isn't it *sigh* Well if this is meant to work out, then it's going to go smoothly, distance or no distance it's all "isma wi naseeb" Arabic for "kismet and destiny" (i think :s) Ok, just coz i speak Arabic, doesn't mean i know what every single word means :s


9:24 p.m.  

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