Wednesday, January 05, 2005

2004 in Review

I think this is a good time to reflect on my accomplishments and blunders. Here goes.

  1. I graduated from my second bachelors degree.
  2. I moved to Ontario and began my masters.
  3. I took my first ever (REAL) vacation and went houseboating in the Shushwaps.
  4. I got a passport.
  5. I went to New York marking my first ever trip outside Canada (and my first ever Thai iced tea).
  6. I became addicted to hot food.
  7. I turned into an editing natzi.
  8. I became the most in debt I have ever been. And for the first time ever wasn't sure I'd make it.
  9. I slept with one boy. Stone sober.
  10. I completely misjudged someone.
  11. Boy of 9 and 10 was a friend of Jesse's. And I shouldn't have. But I wanted to. And did.
  12. I finally stopped being angry with my dad.
  13. HC, QM, KB, & KG became my closest friends. JD is well on his way.
  14. I realized I LOVE programming.
  15. I learned Visual Basic.
  16. I succumbed to loving and collecting children's novels.
  17. I discovered Lemony Snicket.
  18. I stopped enjoying slo-pictch.
  19. I questioned my integrity on a regular basis.
Hmmm.....I feel kinda shallow.


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