Wednesday, January 05, 2005

what's the point II

My friend from my ball team emailed me to confirm our dinner plans for tommorrow saying "I'm not sure anyone else is coming but..." Now I am not sure if I feel sad about this or not. I mean she was really the only person I felt a real connection with. But I feel like I knew these people for three years and so I should feel sad. Not to mention that everyone gets excited when other people are in town to visit. I suppose there's two visit is almost over so they know they weren't at the top of the list....and I didn't socialize with them all that much when I lived here...probably mostly cuz I had other friends that were closer and would be hurt if I spent more time with my ball team..I mean they got ALOT of my time for ball.

It's really tough to realize that you have to prioritize people. And I guess I sort of equate my ball team with the in-crowd. Maybe just because my other friends were a bit jealous of the fun I had with them or maybe because I never felt exactly like I could trust them. I don't know.

In my heart I know I am not upset, maybe even relieved that I am relieved of the responsibility of staying in touch.


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