Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Bad Camel

So I was a bad camel today. I told the firefighter I would be online tonight and then I wasn't. I went out with my friends. I feel really bad...well, mostly I am worried that he either wasted his evening or thinks I don't care about talking to him...I mean chances are good that he won't be upset but didn't he ask me last night if I would be online tonight..and then again at dinner time? I feel like i let him down.

Which is weird because generally people are more interested in people that make themselves unavailable. I feel guilty a lot. I haven't forgotten that my new year's resolution is to feel less guilty but its hard.

Yesterday I was feeling guilty for talking about the fireman around Pop. Sigh...I'm so ridiculous about these things. I was also feeling bad because I didn't go meet smiley's new Furbie, Megan. Relax eh?

Anyway, Wal-mart sucks. Good night.


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