Friday, January 28, 2005

La Vida Loca

Well. It's been quite a day. I got a new nose stud. FINALLY got rid of the starter stud. It looks fantastic and it seems that the odd bumps I was getting next to my piercing were happening because of the starter. So that's that. Phew. I also asked how much it would cost to get barbells put in my nipples. Alot. $155 for rings, which my piercer suggested would be better for healing. And then $110 for the barbells later. Ouch. EXPENSIVE. Well, maybe I'll get funding....

My supervisor in Australia emailed me about doing an eyetracking study this term. Which sounds like a great idea to me 1. because it will give me experience with the eyetracker 2. it is a good possibility for publications 3. i get to feel like a keener.

Also today. I spent a lot of money, between my stud and multivitamins and beer....yum. I am a few hundred over budget this month which I am very concerned about. But I will try and make it up next month. All is not lost. That said, I am feeling like I am falling behind. In the past two days I haven't really "finished" anything and I haven't really worked on anything enough either. And I know things are about to get very busy....I feel like a slacker, but I know I'm not. The problem is the late night chat sessions with the firefighter. And I am NOT giving those up. They are definitely very nice.

And Kristen's friend Joe hung out with us today. Interesting. Will have to do a separate post about my reflections on this one. Oh, and I did laundry today. Go Camel!


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