Friday, August 19, 2005

For the record

I made a point of NOT kissing Cody tonight. I waited to let him kiss me goodnight.And it was pretty much the greatest thing ever kissing him goodnight. So....for anyone listening, the camel is smitten. And she hates it. Tonight, we called Cody....from the bar, because we couldnt' stop thinking about him and wishing he was there. And he said he'd come...even though he has to work early the next day. The camel was delighted! and utterly surprised....thrilled! And he came...and then we went for dinner...and the camel didn't mind holding his hand across the table in full view of everyone and anyone. And then to walk home in the rain....Cody's roomate and Stevo somehow just disappeared (went for Candy) and Cody walked me home. And carried my recycling bin upstairs for me...and spent at least ten minutes kissing me goodnight. And the camel is totally screwed...she is TOTALLY SCREWED. Cody has the camel in the palm of his hand. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Oh God...with those words..."send me home now" the camel absolutely melts. Gives him one more kiss and lets him go. And when the Camel says "that was an awful goodbye" to his casual bye ....he laughs at her as she pulls him to her one more time. I really hate him he's so wonderful.AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH...he doesn't appear at all afraid of the camel...hmmmm....maybe he's a man after all.....AGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH


Blogger Camel said...

Well, he wasn't HITTING on me...flirting yes...

7:44 a.m.  

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