Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Beautiful Moment with a Stranger #3

It's been so long since I've had one of these that I was absolutely inspired today.

I was on my way to school...for a lab meeting...listening to my mp3 player when I noticed this women crossing the street towards me. I removed my headphones and asked her what she had said. She was asking for help because she was lost. She spoke broken English and since she had to go the same way as me, I walked and chatted with her for about five blocks.

She was this lovely Austrian women who had just moved to my city from Coquitlam, BC. Her daughter is attending my school. She was just so sweet and shook my hand and said thank you when we parted ways. It was lovely. She wore a brown coat.


Blogger georgiacoast said...

That was great of you to help her. Giving of ourselves when we expect nothing in return really ranks highly on my list of essential human traits! I like this story....

4:22 a.m.  

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