Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Feeling Life

Seriously, LOVE with Bloc catchy and funky....

So I have to say that today thus far has been a success...I've accomplished some stuff....I've finalized some stuff....I had a nice lunch with roomie...I'm fairly satisfied....of course there's lotsa night left...

So it turns out this scholarship to Cali is only for students who have a degree from the US....which totally sucks cuz that means that if I had done an MA there, I'd be doesn't exclude international students...just one's not already going to school in the US. Boo. Or Yay. I can't decide...I think I mostly feel relieved. I think in reality I really, really am looking forward to working on my PhD with my current supervisors. Supervisor emailed me comments on the paper- that-wouldn't-die today and I'm excited for him to come back so we can talk theory!'s kinda nice having a direction...and to be legitimately interested in that least i think I am...

what else...well, I still haven't done any grading, but I have started my readings for next week...which is Very, Very important since I'm leading the I'm feeling useful.

And the keyholders fixed the eyetracker and I didn't actually lose a single participant (well after the first one) ....yay.

But i'm still broke. :( ...and still can't find my umbrella....but mostly I feel HAPPY. Yay!


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