Tuesday, October 25, 2005

survivin sorta

Ok, ok, so I complain alot...and i'm not particularly interesting about it....but that's what happens when my To Do list is longer than my CV. Sad.

Today's reflections include

....BLOC PARTY ROCKS....I can't get Banquet outta my head...so good...must find more....
....stupid me....i think I erased all the eyetracker control files, potentially leading to a whole ton of work for others and much embarrassment on my part....at least, I lost one participant because of my stupdity or the machine's stupidity...either way..grrrrrr to that....this shoudl really help cosupervisor not being annoyed with me....

speaking of supervisors, I'm having trouble deciding whether to apply for this scholarship in Cali or not....i mean, I REALLY want to learn to surf...but I don't really want to leave supervisor and cosupervisor, nor am I particularly interested in Cali. I want to go because of surfing, cuz it will look great on my CV and because I'm scared that I'm not taking enough risks in my career.....and I hate this town...it's so ruddy dirty....

....I'm nervous about discussing it with supervisor...after all my reassurances to Ms. Movies that she need not be worried about such things...silly....but I want to work with him...but I also kinda would like to know if I could win this scholarshiop...dunno....dunno...and of course me putting off writing the email to the Cali researcher is bringing more disappointed looks from cosupervisor...ahhhhhhh

....and i'm fairly broke...and i am going crazy.


Blogger Camel said...

Well....sadly it turns out I can't go to Cali....though NO SNOW would sure be nice......well.....SOMEONE should go...if it can't be me...

And please, please don't think cosupervisor is grouchy....he's SOOOOOO not. He's SOOOOO nice and encouraging and understanding.....but because of it I totally think he's annoyed with me if he says "you should get this done"-type things.....

6:35 p.m.  

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