Sunday, July 31, 2005

Debaucherous Weekend Part 2

Saturday...I'm so nervous I could puke...and then Timbuctoo drops the bomb that we only get two strikes in this tourney and I feel worse...and I'm tired...and I'm nervous about being with Timbuctoo's team and screwing up...and I'm still semi-nervous about Timbuctoo...agh...

Saturday post-game....we won...I shower and dress and look amazingly hot cuz I've matched my makeupt to my scarf in two shades and to my shirt. Hot. Not that Timbuctoo would care what I looked like...

Anyway, off we go to a pig roast, with Armette. It was aggravating to realize how much I preferred his company...but I easily pulled myself away by realizing that's how most of the girls at the party were acting and that I was not one of's not like he's so stunningly hot, though I will say he looked very fine in jeans...rounds out this shoulders...and the sandals just look so relaxed-sexy...ugh. I wish I wasn't so attracted to this guy. It kills me.

So anyway, I did also get drunk via the pig-roast, though to my credit it was much more slowly...starting at 5:30pm and ending at 3:30am. I am certain that I said more than a little too much about Timbuctoo's behavior towards saying he shouldn't be holding other girls' hands...he probably didn't want that shared at the party. And I do remember sitting next to him on the stairs and having a conversation with this total loser in which he asked if we were which there was a quick "no" from me...though I wasn't disdainful, which is good for me cuz I tend to overcompensate...Anwyay, the loser just said from the way we behaved or acted with each other or something, we seemed like we were. Which is a good warning to hear. Cuz that means I'm flirting too much...or that he does have feelings for me.

When I was blogging on Friday night I was sure that he had somehow professed some sort of feelings for me, but I am not so sure now. It might have all been in my head...hard to say.

But at that point, I tried to keep it down a notch...and I do remember Timbuctoo saying "we shouldn't be talking about this with this guy" and I replied "we shouldn't be talking about this at all", which sounds kinda ominous. I'm a little concerned that I'm missing out on conversations cuz I'm loaded. Not good.

Oh, and I didn't bite anyone last night. Good for me. Unfortunately, Timbuctoo's arm is actually still sore from where I bit him Friday. Sorry, Timbuctoo.

As I tried to down it a notch, Armette hit her stride and was hitting on Timbuctoo pretty hard (though, she is engaged so no one is really worried...she was more like flirting, but that often included talking about how great her fiance is)...which was sorta took attention off me, though I have to say that I was much happier when I was touching Timbuctoo and at one point was laying on the carpet (we were all sitting on it) sorta with my arms around his knees. NBut that may just have something to do with me needing a man.

Actually, come to think of it. Last Sunday, as we were leaving the bar, he stopped to chat with some friends and I was cold and asked him to put his arms around he was standing behind me with his arms around me and it was the greatest thing ever. sigh. Bad camel. But it's true. Cuz he was not doing it in a take-advantage or a bad-boyfriend kinda way. Bah. Good for him. There's some things I don't like about Timbuctoo but there are so many things I do like.

And in my defense, I remember the first day I saw him. He had the same cleats as was at our first ball practice...and I could tell he was saucy and athletic and I was already very attracted to him...but I think I found out pretty early that he had a girlfriend plus I didn't want to be hitting on anyone when I was just joining the team.

But you know, it's like Smiley says...sometimes people have chemistry. And Timbuctoo and I have great chemistry. He happens to be attached, so that's that. But really, I needen't feel bad about it, I guess. Although I wonder whether I'd find him as attractive if he wasn't unavailable. I mean he's witty. And smart. And athletic...actually I think one of the reason's I find him so attractive is cuz he IS so athletic and he seems to think I am such a good's flattering to be thought of highly by someone you think highly of...ya know? Anyway, I look at him sometimes and think that he'd make a great husband...but that he really isn't all that physically attractive..but he's so DAMN attractive on EVERY OTHER LEVEL...I don't know....I'm just thiking aloud.


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