Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I want to crawl in a hole

Wow, did I mess up big time...I got an email from my profs from this summer. First saying Congradulations about the SSHRC, but then saying...."sorry to ruin the celebration, but.."

turns out the program I wrote for them this fall didn't work properly and now their data is useless. And they have to do final revisions of a conference presentation by tommorrow. Ack!!!

I mean it's not ALL the data, but it is the data that we were most interested in. I feel like slime...worse than slime. And there is not a single thing I can do about it.

I think the reason I feel so bad is cuz 1. they are/were putting me on the publications 2. trusted me to do the programming in the first place, rather than hiring someone new 3. are SO nice 4. it throws in sharp relief my programming abilities 5. I AM SURE THAT I TESTED FOR THE THING THAT WENT WRONG...which means I probably made a trivial final change that ruined everything.

Obviously the moral of the story is to do ALL testing over when you do final changes...sigh.


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