So, I've relaxed a bit. M and I thought for a while that J and A were avoiding us and that sucked, but turns out neither of our message systems works properly, so that's good.
Roomie is very happy about the nice clean house. It's great how she always makes a point of saying thanks...I think it makes it easier to like each other when you make a point of being appreciative.
The firefighter hasn't emailed me and that makes me sad. Maybe he has finally found a more solid person to flirt with. Or maybe he doesn't think I'll be around to get it...either way, it makes me a little sad.
Luckily I'm too busy to worry about it. We found a great place for sushi and I bought some new jeans.
It's been raining....I know this was a boring post but I am dying to go have some coffee and read before this morning's sessions...Toodles.
Roomie is very happy about the nice clean house. It's great how she always makes a point of saying thanks...I think it makes it easier to like each other when you make a point of being appreciative.
The firefighter hasn't emailed me and that makes me sad. Maybe he has finally found a more solid person to flirt with. Or maybe he doesn't think I'll be around to get it...either way, it makes me a little sad.
Luckily I'm too busy to worry about it. We found a great place for sushi and I bought some new jeans.
It's been raining....I know this was a boring post but I am dying to go have some coffee and read before this morning's sessions...Toodles.
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