Wednesday, December 08, 2004

seesaw the emotion cat

So I was at a party tonight where someone asked me straight out if I had a blog. I felt obliged to tell the truth, I think mostly cuz I was interested in where the conversation was going. But at any rate, I admitted to 2 more people I had a blog (in addition to the 3 important enough to know so that I could share my reactions to it). It was weird. I really didn't want them to know where it was or how to find it, but I thought it ok to tell them I had one and why. I guess I really want this blog so I can talk about the people who could read between the lines to know who I was talking about. Funny. Acquaintances are less threatening.

Anyway, we got to talking about how blogs tend to be written to only about very negative or very positive life experiences. And it's funny that this should be so. I mean this only refers to personal blogs, not so much the soapbox political blogs. But that brought up another issue: are blogs just a medium for shouting from out own intimately personal soapbox? I think yes.

I guess I was thinking that I don't want my blog to just be a page where I complain and herald my good fortune because I think I am more complex than that. So I hope that I am able to write about more than just my last serious sadness or happiness and talk about those things that pique and terrify me, that needle and confuse me.


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