Thursday, December 23, 2004

Naughty and nice.

I was naughty. Let's call him Sesame Street. He's cute and has a PhD in Inorganic chemistry. And he's agressive. He was fun to catch, but lives in Chicago. Oh, well. Fun night of misbehaving.

I'm going home to see my mom in a few minutes! Hurray. Unfortunately for mom, I will probably fall asleep as soon as I get home...that's what you get for staying up all night.

Hmmm....are the bloggers judging me? Funny how I feel so hesitant to say I've been bad to people I don't know. Though I think I am starting to get to know a few people...and you guys rock, btw.

Anyway, the blog is here to reveal my goods and bads. And probably more my bads, because those are the ones that I wouldn't discuss honestly with others...anyway, suffice to say that I am probably projecting my sense of guilt (or feeling that I should feel guilty) on others. Oh the webs we weave. Neurotic fools are mankind.


Blogger Sou said...

don't feel guilty Camel! you need a place to pour out your deepest emotions, am i right, or am i right?! we aren;t judging you...we're just seeing your life, thru your eyes...might be biased, might be a made up, but we believe you, and you make us come back for that's a gift, and i remember i said "i'll tell you this once, WRITE A BOOK!" but i insist, write a book!! you've got what it takes!


8:48 p.m.  
Blogger Camel said...

Thanks! I appreciate that. Talk about getting to know (and be) yourself. I love blogging.

2:50 p.m.  

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