Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Hello and welcome to my holiday

Well, I am feeling better. Yesterday I hung out with my posh and well-to-do friend, Kitty. And while I was as-per-normal sad that I didn't have great nails and a tall body like her, I had a great time and didn't feel sad about money too much. Good. I am tired of hearing myself complain.

In other news, I am finding that despite being home and able to visit people, i would really rather hole up with my homework and work. Lazy bum!

I am learning all about the visual system. No easy task I assure you. Funny how we take it for granted. Watched Kill Bill 2 last night and was quite horrified when Uma poked out Darryl's remaining eye. In retrospect,it would have taken a lot more work to get her eye out, but hey, who am I to question Tarrintino.

Turns out we have some very interesting muscles on our eyeball. One on each of the left and right and then two on top and two on the bottom. These allow use to rotate our eye in all sorts of absurd directions. It's really quite magnificent.

Anyway, enough about nothing. Hope all you bloggers are having a great holiday!


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