Sunday, April 03, 2005

someday I'll stop talking about this

But today is not that day.

The spring formal tonight was AWESOME. Reasonable food and a GREAT dance. I am finding it really odd how little I care to go around and look for potential mates. This is nothing new, it started a year or two ago. But I never used to have fun with my friends...I used to have fun meeting guys...but now, I don't make any effort...unless they are within my ingroup in some way.

Anyway, it's driving me nuts that everytime the Firefighter finally comes online, I'm just leaving. Darn it...I feel like if I were able to stay online for more than ten minutes he would want to talk about how we can't keep up this "relationship" anymore and that we have to be friends cuz he's seeing someone, or something like that. It's absurd. I mean, whatever, either way, right? But it's making my talk with him weird...cuz I am overthinking everything. Ugh. Oh well.

On another boy note, the genetics major is breaking up with his girlfriend cuz he's moving to Montreal...this is noteworthy, but I'm too tired to get into it...not that anyone cares, anyway...but hey, I care.


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