Wednesday, January 12, 2005

my melt

I am very much enjoying crushing on the fireman, though I have to admit it starting come up with realistic night-in-shining-armor type fantasies. It's funny how when I was younger I always thought I was in love and that equalled finding my soul-mate. Now, in my cynical old age, I feel like I fall in love all the time, but it doesn't mean we are soul-mates and living happily ever after is barely a possibility in my mind.

It really is a complex thing, our sense of love. I used to feel like my heart would break in two if I didn't meet that perfect person soon. Or rather if I didn't meet them and it work out soon. Now, I have come to see that it is almost impossible to find that perfect person and I take joy in the little things I love in people.

Ethan Hawke would be proud.
"...sit back and ride my own melt."


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