Thursday, July 21, 2005


It's startling how little time there is in a day when it's hot. I am having sooo much trouble doing stuff it makes me ill...and the list is soooo long.

I thought up another thing I want to do before I die:
- Earn my black belt in Tae Kwon Do

I have a yellow belt (the first one) and I like doing it...I just never take the time to go to classes....but I'm making it official now.

What else....oh, the slide show went pretty was a waffle dinner and slideshow...with our pal, skinny D making the waffles with his snazzy waffle iron. The man is an awesome cook. Yum! We brought toppings (me: sour cream, peaches, syrup - try it), and stuffing ensued.

Then the slide show. In the end I didn't put in music but they made fun of me cuz I was gonna...but I figured it would be annoying since I was gonna be talking through the whole in the end I made a PowerPoint show instead of a movie which would have been way harder to add music too....but I'm sad cuz it woulda been cool.

Anyway, it went well, but people were losing it at the end...too many pics or too many stories...not super sure...Roomie says I should clump multiple pics with stories so they can see a few things per story....she should know cuz she travels a ton...but all in all I was happy with the reception.

Also, I forgot to mention that I read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in six hours a few days ago. I started at 12:15 am and took a break from 4:30am to 10am to sleep...finishing at was good. Maybe a bit long, but definitely not boring...kinda like watching a tv show on DVD...really don't want to stop but wish you could get to the end some times....speaking of which last night me and Smiley finished the final three episodes of Season 3 of 24....I thought we had a whole other disc! Yeesh we coulda finished it ages ago! Anyway, it was great. The only thing I'll say is that pretty much everyone got screwed in some way.

Looking forward to debauchery and four-pitch this weekend...


Blogger Camel said...

It's funny you should mention Nikita...the last night of debauchery I had included an in depth discussion about how I would love to be Nikita...thought Lara Croft would probably be better...

4:56 p.m.  

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